Chong Kun Dang Hwang Bo Hwan 3.75g x 60 Pills Premium Natural Herb Extract KR

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$116.69 /Pc

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Chong Kun Dang Hwang Bo Hwan 3.75g x 60 Pills Premium Natural Herb Extract KR

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  • Vendor : Chong Kun Dang
  • Production : Made in Korea
  • Quantity : 60 ea pills in one box
  • Net Weight : 225g (3.75g x 60 pills)
  • How to Intake : Take 1 ~2 pills  once a day. (chew and eat)
  • Ingredients : Specified honey, glycerin, lactose 95, angelica, cornus milk, hemp, peony, rhubarb, schisandra chinensis, wolfberry, hawthorn, cheongoong, bokbunja, licorice, ginseng, antler extract, milk peel, aloes, purified water

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